
Waterproof and Primer paint are not usually compatible

DragBus – Epoxy primer Pro paint job

Want a primer paintjob but also want something waterproof – Epoxy primer is a perfect solution. Here we put DragBus through a bodyshop to get flatted back, skimmed and painted with Sherwin Williams E2A933 Primer Gray.


Pinholes fixed, doors off, windows out, every last bit of trim off and off she goes to the paintshop. One important tip before we dispatched her to the bodyshop was to align all the doors, exactly how we would want to see the final gaps. This involves attention to detail and lots of small adjustments. Finally once we got the front doors aligned we pushed the hinge pins out and left the brackets on the body. Here is the Bus just before collection;
Front doors off ready for paint our VW Bus


Just visible is the repair to the inside of the cargo door;
Cargo doors repaired ready for paint CAMPER


Green masking tape marks the issues that we want the bodywork guy to take care of – small dents or repairs that will need some sympathy when it comes ot flatting back.
Our Van ready for paint all trim removed


We went to visit just half way through to make sure the trim holes were still accessible and the issues were all addressed to our satisfaction but the finish was not good enough. Much to the body guys annoyance as they had already started to unprep the Bus;
Early stage of primer on our project Splittie


Door gaps look good from here;
Cargo door gaps painted Bus


So the the guys had to re-mask;
Primered Nose on our VW Bus


We used small bits of orange masking tape as a job list of small issues / snags;
Before final coat of paint our Volks Van


Not a lot wrong this side;
Rear passenger side of our primer campervan


The crucial long side of the Bus – this is the paint guys bane – to get this super flat requires a lot of patience, sweat and a long plank of wood etc. We were happy with this result;
Long side panel on a splitscreen Bus in primer


Here our Splittie was drying in the booth before we pulled her out and started taking off the masking;
Splitscreen drying in a paint booth


Having driven Dragbus in the wet UK conditions we can say the paint is very good.

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